

Yahoo Lifestyle: "When I'm Judged for Being on Disability Benefits"



精神疾患を持つ人への差別を辞めてほしいといった趣旨です。"disability benefit"(障害給付金)をもらっており十年以上差別に苦しんでいることや、オンラインでパートナーを探すサービスに登録しても精神疾患や"disability benefit" をもらっていることを理由に上手くいかないなど不満が述べられています。



  • ableism
    • 健常身体主義、健常者の身障者差別
  • pervasive
    • 広く浸透した、浸透性の
  • disability benefit
    • 就業不能[所得補償]給付、障害給付金
  • susceptible to
    • 〜に感染しやすい、〜の影響を受けやすい
  • skew
    • 歪み、歪ませる

TOEIC 900点超えました!

中学で英語を知ってから英語は一番好きで、大学の頃は TOEIC 900点超えたいなと思って勉強していたのですが、大学のころは 865 点までしか取ることができませんでした。これでも十分高い点数で、大学院入試で英語試験免除になったり、就職活動でも助けられたのですが、「900点の壁」というのがあるらしく、社会人になってからは受けるたびに Listening / Reading の数値比率が変わるだけで合計点は 865 点より下がってしまいました。

その後、改めて英語学習の方法を変え、TOEIC 試験を何度か受けたところ、865点から大幅に点数アップして 935点をとることができました!




実践ビジネス英語(NHK ラジオ講座

NHK の一番難易度が高い講座で、文法の説明はほぼなく、語彙や言い回しに特化した講座です。これをやっておけば海外勤務になっても困らないと社外勉強会で聞き知って以来続けています。笑



DMM 英会話

会話もできるようになりたい、と思って Skype 英会話を始めました。こちらは2年ほど、波はありますが週3回ぐらいは受講できているかなと思います。

TOEIC L/R に関してはスピーキングは無関係かと思われるかもしれませんが、先生の言うことを聞き取る必要があり、ラジオ講座など受動的な教材よりも能動的に聞く練習になるなと感じています。


アメリカのドラマ(Big Bang Theory)


Big Bang Theory にハマって、字幕版でひたすら見ていた時期に TOEIC を受けたところ上記点数を取ることができたのですが、 L/ R の比率を見て分かる通り Listening が満点近い点数になっています。Big Bang Theory は会話スピードがやや遅く、説明口調だったり丁寧な言い回しが多いので(難しい科学用語は除いて)聞き取りやすいようです。


ラジオ講座は毎週届きますし、学習は移動中にスマートフォンだけで済みます。ドラマもテレビを見てればいいのでかなり受け身ですが、TOEIC に関してはこれが大幅に効きました。

Speaking については Skype レッスンをしているのですが、Writing だけ少しおざなりです。ここのブログを使って Writing も少し意識していこうと思う昨今でありました。

実践ビジネス英語 2018年1月 The Writers’ Workshop



European towns, Sceneries with trams running, Toulouse in France -

I spent an impressive day with the deep blue sky like a fresco painting. In the town, women with a sleeveless shirt expose their beautifully suntanned skins, and wear shades to resist the burning sunlight.

While the tram goes away from the town to the suburb, it becomes less crowded. The scenery also changes from the downtown to an organized living area with relatively new detached houses and housing developments. It was already past eight in the evening and the sun started setting in, but it was not at twilight yet. I thought most of the citizens had finished dinner and I couldn't see anybody outside in the streets. The tram was passing silently through a sunny courtyard of a housing development, and I found nobody there. Suddenly I caught an unrealistic feeling that everybody in the world had disappeared all of a sudden.

実践ビジネス英語 2017年11月 The Writers’ Workshop


昔話と言えど、元の文章が平易だったので訳しづらい箇所はあまりなかったです。前半が少し情緒的な描写になっていましたが、"a shaft of light appeared" で「明かりが漏れる」などとしてみました。

「たしなめる」という日本語が出てきたところで役に困りました。scold だと意味が強すぎるし、reprimand や admonish では固いし意味も強いし… 一番固くなさそうな "reproach" という単語が良さそうでしたが、 少し文を入れ替えて "To see his indifferent attitude, she said firmly:" としてと文自体を柔らかくしてみました。

In the early morning, a shaft of light appeared in a small house located in the fringe of a mountain. It seemed that a mother living there started making breakfast. The sound of cutting vegetables echoed and the smell of miso soup drifted around the house. The mother and her five sons lived together. She worked so hard to do a lot of tasks outside from the early morning to the evening.

Before leaving, she said to her sons: "Don't open the door while I'm out when a stranger visits." "Alright, I get it." the oldest son answered her everyday favor a bit reluctantly. To see his indifferent attitude, she said firmly: "Are you really sure? When it gets dark, the horrible old woman wanders around here. You must be really careful, and you know, you should take care of the other sons."

実践ビジネス英語 2017年8月 The Writers’ Workshop


固有名詞が多くてやや億劫でしたが挑戦してみました。蜂に刺されるは “be stung by a bee”, 泥酔するは “be wasted” など使いやすいフレーズを覚えられました。

Alexander the Great was killed by a medical malpractice!?

Although there appeared a lot of strong governors, ones called “the Great” were only Kamehameha and Alexander.

Alexander became a king in Macedonia when he was twenty. At that time, Macedonia was a small country located in the northern part of Greece, but it became a large empire by expanding its territory to Persian, Egypt and a part of India in so called “The Great Expedition to the East”. However, Alexander the Great, who led the united army of Greece and Macedonia, suddenly died in 323 B.C. in Babylon at the age of 34.

Then why did Alexander the Great die?

According to the record, he was stung by a bee and fell down during the banquet in that evening, and died from prostration of high fever just 10 days later.

However, it’s difficult to specify the cause of his death with this information. At that night, the king drank even six littles of wine. He got wasted, suffered from high fever next day and gradually he was unable even to sit up.

実践ビジネス英語 2017年9月 The Writers’ Workshop


日本の歴史についてだったので「美人喫茶」という単語をそのまま bijin kissa としてみました。

Towns in the Edo period also had cafeterias similar to “bijin kissa” (a cafeteria where beautiful women serve tea to customers). A bijin kissa in the Showa period could not be looked inside only when we entered it, but Edo’s bijin kissa was so open that passengers could looked inside through the most beautiful girl in the cafeteria (called Kanban musume in Japanese) sitting in front of it. There were some types of bijin kissa: A simple one where the owner’s daughter was so beautiful that she played a Kanban musume role, and an active one where the owner hired beaitiful women as employees and tried to attract customers who were eager to Bijin kissas.

An active one opened in a place where a lot of people gathered such as inside a temple. A bijin kissa had just beautiful women, but it sold well for the investment, there opened a lot of active bijin kissas in such as Ryogoku, Asakusa, Uenosanka due to the sensitivity for a trend in the Edo period.

実践ビジネス英語 2017年7月 The Writers’ Workshop

7月は音楽解説で、ボブ・ディランのライブの話です。ライブという単語は、英語では concert がよいようですね。

The first concert in my life was Bob Dylan’s. I was just seven years old at that time, but I was really excited when my dad took me to the live music club in Detroit. Then the concert began, but I got immediately confused. I couldn’t get what songs whey were, even though I must have known them because the lyrics are the same! Dylan was famous for drastic arrangements in concerts, which was a too early lesson for a seven-year-old child. Among such arrangements, the only song I could figure out immediately at that night was “Maggie’s Farm”. It was possibly because some part of the song reminded me, the arrangement was similar to the original, or I felt sympathy for that unique and unsophisticated song… I am still attached to it.